woensdag 26 mei 2010

The Brussels' fight of the night

Rumble in the jungle or Thrilla in Manilla revisited!

Live reporting from the June 13 super punch-out at the BHV-coral!

Laaaaaaaaaadies & Geeeeeeeeeentlemen … in one corner, weighing in at 1 ton, the need-craving, the sinner’s prayer-saying, heavyweight champion of francophonia Olivier The Frog Maingain ... and in the other corner, at 100 lbs., but standing 40 feet high, the leadership-developing, people-challenging, vision-carrying Bart The Wizzard De Wever !!!

Welcome! Now let's get this show on the road.

The frog: Bonjour! Bonjour! Je suis Olivier Le Maingaindrai! Ha, ha! J'viens te chercher!
The Wizzard: Sesshō, Bart to mōsu! I still remember our first fight. Now I'm gonna make you pay back, Banzai.
F: Watch out! I am a killer. I am the Bear Hugger.
W: Hey! Is this kid a joke? Where's the real challenger?"
F: Ai Olivier Le Maingaindrai, ai soda grabujiber! Hé, hé! Vive la France! Attention à mon menton! Ne frappe pas mon menton!
W: Dies ist boxen, Little Mac, nicht ein Kaffeekränzchen! Shimata! Mich? Deutsche Präzision. Sie? Windmühle.
F: I won't forgive you if you hurt my face. Madamada! Ich bin eine Kampfmaschine! Yerim seni laaaan!
W: I feel like eating. After I win, lets go to lunch!
F: ¿No te parece que huelo a victoria? Me llaman Olivier, Don O. ¿Que pasa?
W: Kuckuck! Kuckuck! Deine Stunde hat geschlagen! ¿Quieres más?
F: Be gentle with me, please. Hoo, hoo, hoo, hooo.
W: Had your goodnight kiss? 'Cause I'm about to put you down for the night. Hate holding back. People who can't feel the rhythm are so lost. Do you have the rhythm.
F: Cheater? I don't know what you're talking about, amigo.
W: Hey! Olivier Baby... Say Goodnight. Welcome to dreamland. I think you're gonna have a nightmare tonight.
F: Let me win. I've lost so many times I forgot how winning feels.
W: Huh? Don't you like my show? Go home! The show is over.

Ha! Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, KO!

For a full report with images: click here. Have fun with the eternal truth!

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